Architect Joyce Owens FAIA has been a featured speaker on Midcentury Modern Architectural design and the profession of Architecture. Learn more about bookings.
Speaking Engagements and Juries
This event will delve into lessons learned and where we go from here, with a specific focus on our built environment (structures) and our natural systems (conservation lands, coast lines, and residential landscapes). Local experts in key areas of community resilience will describe what worked well in the face of Hurricane Ian, what did not, and what lessons and best practices can help us in the future.
“Joyce Owens spoke about the devastation of Hurricane Ian and how we can rebuild the structures stronger and smarter”
Celebrating the lives and contributions of Southwest Florida Architects
“Peek at the Unique Home Trends” focused on the use of interior and outdoor living spaces and current trends in home design, construction, decor, and landscaping
“Communicating the Value of Good Design” was a lecture alongside AIA leaders to speak about communicating the value of the architect.
As part of the jury, they were able to highlight at a large scale, innovative projects and solutions to inspire thousands of professionals all over the world.
Joyce served as a jury member and is known in the industry for her passion and knowledge of design excellence in lighting. The IES Illumination Awards program recognizes individuals for professionalism, ingenuity, and originality in lighting design based on the individual merit of each entry.
Why I use Masonry – Masonry-friendly architect Joyce Owens tells us why she loves designing with concrete masonry. “It’s so flexible, CMU. It’s a very easy material to make work. As an architect that builds many different types of buildings, it’s a nice material to use for creating new ideas because it is so flexible.”
Join the Sarasota Architectural Foundation to watch "A Girl is a Fellow Here: 100 Women Architects in the Studio of Frank Lloyd Wright," a film about the legacy of the many women employed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, at a time when few architectural firms would even consider the idea. After the film, join moderator Anne-Marie Russell as she leads an informative and timely panel discussion about what it's like to be a woman working in architecture today—highlighting the challenges, accomplishments and future endeavors of the area's top women designers.
Although he has been retired for 25 years, Edward J. “Tim” Seibert, 87, is more popular than ever on the architectural party circuit.
A soft-spoken, but also outspoken, storyteller, Seibert was honored by the Sarasota Architectural Foundation at a recent dinner that included a conversation moderated by Fort Myers architect Joyce Owens.
Mixed in with a heavy dose of nostalgia at Sarasota MOD Weekend was the feeling that the architecture of the 1950s still has something to teach the house designers and consumers of today. That is, that concepts such as the honest use of materials, clarity of geometry, blending of indoor and outdoor spaces and the embracing of new technologies, which were at the heart of the Sarasota School of architecture, are as relevant now as they were 60 years ago.
Three Gulf Coast architects will each present a project from their early professional life as well as a recent one, followed by an analysis of the contrast and how their development as an architect influenced the changes. The remarkable evolution of their careers will be illustrated by what they’ve learned from the design-build process, working with clients, listening to critiques and finding the inspiration that has motivated them to be who they are today. A panel discussion and Q+A will follow the presentations.
On January 24th, join gulf coast architect and Fort Myers news-press columnist Joyce Owens, who will be speaking about mid-century modernism in southwest Florida. She will be discussing famous and masterful works in the area like the Cordove Residence by William Frizzell, the Walker Guest House by Paul Rudolph, and the Lee County Administration Building by Gundersen & Wilson in this exciting lecture about celebrating mid-century design.
On December 7th, as part of the Mid-Century Modernism in Southwest Florida exhibition, there will be a walking-tour hosted by architect and Fort Myers News-Press columnist Joyce Owens, and the American Institute of Architects Southwest Florida chapter. On the tour you'll be able to see and learn lots of information about buildings such as the Lee County Administration Building, the First Harbour Towers, and many more. Afterwards a reception and discussion will take place, all happening in Downtown Fort Myers.
Keynote speaker at 2019 Annual Convention Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada (CMACN). In Orange County, CA
Joyce was a panelist at the 2012 AIA Florida state convention that was focused on the role and efforts of esteemed women in the profession of architecture.
Joyce was honored to be invited as a guest speaker at RIBA Headquarters to share with the public stories and adventures about her high-profile clients and her expertise in sensitive historic renovation projects that had gain attention of the press and public.
2010-19 - Architectural Bus Tours
2010 - Florida Trust for Historic Preservation | Creating Mid- Century Historic Districts
2007-10 -Various Planning Authorities | Architecture 101
2000 - Copenhagen, Denmark Design & Branding Corp | Architecture as Brand
1998-02 - Architectural Foundations (UK) | Modern Interventions
1986-89 - Rotary Clubs